The genderless clothing trend: 5 colombian no-gender brands

Foto: MDZ Online

The genderless clothing trend has the purpose that people can dress freely, without thinking if the garments are feminine or masculine, which has led several brands to create garments without labels, without gender divisions and simply to have a variety of sizes and colors with which anyone can feel comfortable.

A little bit about genderless clothing fashion history

The word that managed to eliminate the barriers between genders was unisex, it emerged in the English language in the mid-1960s and later migrated to other languages. Unisex fashion had a direct relationship with rock, feminism, the appearance of marches where gay rights were proclaimed and other movements of the moment.

Unisex fashion allowed men to choose haircuts more freely, the use of more colorful clothes and accessories that were exclusive to women, and women to wear pants and inclusion in scenarios that they previously did not have access to; At this time, garments such as tennis shoes, jeans and t-shirts emerged that could be used by both sexes.

For Latin America, the history with the appearance of this unisex phenomenon was different, since the male chauvinist customs influenced by the Catholic Church and military dictatorships did not allow this fashion to be seen as a good thing, then the dictatorships began with the prohibitions and the media to do erroneous analyzes about the unisex associating it directly with homosexuality.

Pioneers of no-gender fashion

Living in such a gridded and conservative society, some designers rebelled against this concept with their designs including garments that could be worn by both sexes, these designers were Paco Rabanne, Yves Saint Laurent, Pierre Cardin and André Courréges.

Pierre Cardin became a benchmark for genderless fashion, paving the way for androgynous and futuristic fashion, on the other hand we could mention Michael Fish who dared to dress stars like Mick Jagger and David Bowie in skirts. Jean Paul Gaultier who normalized the use of corsets in men and women.

We show you 5 Genderless Clothing Brands

1. IJJI 

A couple modeling
Source: Facebook

This brand focuses on using natural fibers and is recognized for being a genderless brand. They are currently in California and for them it is important that the production of their clothes is responsible and they pay special attention to the details of each garment.

2. Collusion

Source: Voxburner

Collusion is characterized by not using animals in the manufacture of its garments, which are mostly made of cotton; they are considered an inclusive and experimental brand that is constantly growing.

3. Karibik

Karibik, genderless clothing
Source: Karibik

This Colombian brand has already launched some genderless collections and promotes the rights of the LGBT community through its accessories and clothing. Karibik is a sustainable brand that encourages respect and freedom.

4. Lacoste

Source: Elle mx

This renowned brand has its own unisex collection that includes sportswear, jackets, socks, watches, caps and much more.

5. Thesalting

Source: Voices of youth

With garments produced in America, this brand has a minimalist, artisan, fresh, natural and genderless approach.

Curious fact

Some artists or musical groups were criticized in their time for wearing clothes that were not of their “gender”, but the reaction of their fans showed that clothing was the least important thing; We could put Culture Club as an example, its vocalist was characterized not only by his hairstyle and makeup, but also by the clothes he wore, achieving an androgynous look which led him to become the icon of the moment.

The unisex transcends and evolves over the years, now having a more forceful, precise and necessary discourse so that any garment continues to be used by men and women without signs or restrictions and most importantly without labels that pigeonhole people.

This trend breaks with the traditional, with the boxes marked by society, unites what has been divided for so long and gives value to what is essential, to what we are and what we want to reflect.

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